Friday, June 22, 2012

Gratitude Day 16

Welcome To Day #16 of 21 Days of Gratitude

“When you start to feel grateful for what you already have, you will start to attract more of the good things — more of the things you can be grateful for.” — Dr. Joe Vitale in “The Secret”

There’s no beating around the bush here.

The law of attraction ensures that what you put out comes back to you.

If you send out energetic messages of scarcity and limitation, the Universe will have no choice but to mirror back to you experiences that leave you feeling lack.

If, on the other hand, you deliberately send out energetic messages of gratitude and abundance, the Universe will fall over itself to drop reflections of wealth (in all forms) at your feet.

So, from a metaphysical perspective, gratitude and appreciation are the wisest investments one can make.
(This is also why financial institutions refer to things that increase in value as “appreciating”.)

Today’s action steps:

1) Do you agree or disagree with this quotation below? “What you put out comes back. The more you sincerely appreciate life from the heart, the more the magnetic energy of appreciation attracts fulfilling life experiences to you, both personally and professionally.” — Doc Childre and Sara Paddison

2) Continue your daily list of 5 things that you are grateful for in your Gratitude Journal

Enjoying this exploration with you!

Elyse Hope Killoran
President, Prosperity from the Inside-Out

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