Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Purple Skies

I stumbled across a gratitude challenge. I don't even know for sure who it was originally meant for or why. But it was called the 21 Days of Gratitude project. The author was challenging everyone to a pretty simple gratitude experiment. For 21 days everyone in on the challenge was supposed to journal about 5 things they were grateful for every day. I regularly recommend gratitude journals to my clients. I feel like a hypocrite because I have never been able to consistently do my own gratitude journal. I usually only last a few days. But when I read about the gratitude project I thought, "I can do this." It is time for me to make gratitude a habit. You can see the original gratitude project blog here.

I've been doing it for a few weeks now. It really has been amazing. Gratitude has become more automatic and meaningful for me than ever before. I'm thinking all the time about things I'm grateful for. There is so much. I also watched a Ted talk by the guy who created the blog 1000 Awesome Things. Well worth watching. His blog is pretty cool too.

Tonight I was driving home and there was an amazing sunset. It was purple and the clouds looked truly ethereal. Normally I might have noticed it momentarily and been happy. I do love sunsets after all, so I'm sure I would have noticed it. But tonight I really savored it. I felt like God had painted a masterpiece and presented it as a gift just for me. It really was dream-world beautiful. I felt like a little girl seeing a sunset for the first time. I was almost giddy with delight. I held onto that happy, grateful feeling for a long time. Since I've been doing the gratitude project I've noticed that I have been happier and my life has felt more "right".

I decided to send my clients (who were interested in it) a daily email for 21 days from the 21 Days of Gratitude project. I revised a few things because I am only slightly into metaphysical law of attraction stuff and the original project was heavily into it on some of the days. I love what happened in my life as I did the 21 days. It was fun thinking about it every day. I'm going to miss it. But I'm going to continue the gratitude habit. One of the quotes I found said that gratitude is the fastest form of healing. I believe that could be true.

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