Monday, September 19, 2011

Vee-Dub Love

My husband is a VW Vanagon enthusiast. He always has been, he probably always will be. That means for as long as I've known  him he has had car problems. He won't admit that, but its true. He always seems to think its some one-time fluke. I'm not sure why.

Anyway, all weekend he worked on his car. It was really hard work. When he was done he told me how exhausted he was and how all his muscles were sore. He originally thought it was going to be a quick job, but it took him all day. I could have predicted that.

Then when we were driving around on Sunday, he realized that all his work didn't fix the problem after all. Ughhh! I was pretty frustrated for him (and me). Amazingly, he didn't seem too frustrated himself. So while we were driving along with the dang wheel still squeeking and clunking, I was thinking, why does he spend so much of his free time on a car that is so much trouble? I mean, it does have some cool features, but really, it is so much trouble! There is always something wrong and he is constantly working on it. What kind of guy is like that?

Then it hit me!! The perfect guy for me!! He recognizes the value in something that requires effort that many people would consider not worth the trouble. He doesn't give up, even though his best efforts seem fruitless. He diligently and patiently works through the problems because he has a firm and undaunted belief that all his work will eventually pay off. He isn't a quitter. He is willing to work hard and sacrifice. He isn't easily angered. Could I ask for better qualities in a husband? I love that guy!

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