Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Assertiveness Training

I discovered a free website that teaches all about assertiveness. I've been searching for something like this because I think assertiveness is an important aspect of healthy living and because I think it is a skill most people need to work on.

The website I found is sponsored by the government of Australia. The assertiveness training they teach uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to address faulty beliefs about being assertive and also goes into a lot of detail about what assertiveness is and how to be assertive in a variety of situations. I like a lot of what is in here. I am passing it on to my clients and decided to post a link here as well.

I will only post the link to one module so that it doesn't get overwhelming. There are something like nine modules and each one has about nine to thirteen pages. The one I am posting teaches foundational cognitive behavioral therapy skills to become more assertive. From there you are free to go back to the main site and explore the other modules. They are all pretty good.

How to Think More Assertively

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