Thursday, May 24, 2012

Connection to a Higher Power

From Unlocking the Communication Puzzle by Dr. John R. Strong

Having a Rightfulness of Fit

When we feel loved, valued and understood, and when we feel like we have a sense of direction, and self control in our lives, it's like everything fits right. There may be growth areas and challenges to accomplish, but feeling right about something gives us the needed energy to move forward. This is part of feeling a rightfulness of fit. This dimension is similar to having a sense of direction, but it also incorporates a spiritual or higher power assurance that lets us know the direction we are headed in is right for us. This assurance can come even when other things in our lives are not in order. It can come during times of high stress and even when we are functioning at below normal levels. Often it is described as a peaceful feeling that what we are doing or have done is the best thing for us. This feeling can sometimes go against what our rational, reasoning minds judge to be best.  

For example, Jodi had been looking for a job for several months and finally found one that looked like a perfect fit for her. Everything about the job seemed right. Jodi was offered the position, but as she contemplated committing herself to this job she just couldn't feel peaceful about it. After much prayer and meditation, she decided that she would turn down the job offer. Logically the decision to pass up this job opportunity didn't make any sense to her. She needed the job and she thought it was something she would love. However, she stepped forward in faith and trusted her gut feeling to decline the job. While the decision certainly wasn't easy, she felt peace about her direction. A few months later she was offered another job that she immediately felt "right" about and was hired for. Several years later she still loves her job and is passionately engaged in it. As an additional witness that she had made the right choice, she learned that the original company that offered her a job had some serious financial setbacks shortly after she turned down the job offer and they were forced to cut several programs, including the one she would have been hired for. As she looks back, she is extremely grateful that she had the courage to follow her intuition and the spiritual guidance she had received.  

Developing our ability to recognize and follow spiritual/Higher Power assurances to help us make decisions and take action in our lives is a very important way to increase our sense of well-being. We can then draw on this power to help us achieve fulfillment in all the other dimensions of being we have talked about. Our ability to reach our potential will be markedly increased as we learn to reflect on and incorporate the messages from our Higher Power or the universe. 

Taking time to get away from the hustle and bustle of ordinary life and reflect on the grandeur of the universe is one way to increase our ability to sense a rightfulness of fit. Connecting with nature, meditating, and expressing appreciation are other ways increase the level of fulfillment of this dimension. Pondering on the nature of your Higher Power and your connection to that Power has been helpful for some people. Another idea is to write a letter to your Higher Power and then imagine and write what your Higher Power might say to you in response. Whatever you decide to do, try to find some way today to develop this dimension of your identity.

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