Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Having a Sense of Direction

From Unlocking the Communication Puzzle by Dr. John R. Strong

Having a Sense of Direction

Making Progress by Brian Kershisnik

Feeling loved and competent is not the same thing as feeling a sense of direction. Nicole is hands down the fastest checker in the market and her boss is warm and direct in his appreciation, but Nicole often feels dissatisfied. "Is this all there is?" she thinks. Does she want a raise? Does she want to take an exotic vacation? Does she want to go to law school? Does she want to become a nun and join Mother Theresa in Calcutta? Maybe she wants to get married and have five children.

In order to find fulfillment in this dimension, we need to feel that we have a purpose or special niche in life and that we are working toward accomplishing that purpose. We can assess the fulfillment in this area by seeing how well-defined and understood our purpose and vision for our life is. Goal-oriented choices and actions can give some level of fulfillment, but if we are focused solely on accomplishing goals we will be in trouble when we hit a roadblock in achieving the goal. Focusing instead on a purpose and a vision give us the ability to adjust and be flexible when we run into problems with a specific goal. 

While goals are a valuable and necessary part of having a sense of direction, we need to see goals as a process, not as a product. Having goals as a product means that we are not satisfied until the goal is completed and completion becomes the reward. (I will be happy when I get a raise.) Having goals as a process means that we are satisfied and appreciative of steps taken toward reaching the goal. (I am happy now, and I am enjoying the opportunities and challenges I am having as I work toward becoming an expert at my job.)

Gaining meaning in life can also come in spiritual ways - as we explore of the nature, origin and purpose of our existence. Meaningful harmony with the universe can be found through activity in an organized religious group, meditation, prayer, self-discipline, connecting with nature, thoughtful service to others, etc. Any number of activities can help us connect with a Higher Power, perceive our shared humanity, and give meaning and purpose to the cycle of birth and death. 

Do you have a strong sense of direction in your life? If not consider creating a written personal mission statement. Here is a link to a Franklin Covey website that will help you create your own mission statement. http://www.franklincovey.com/msb/  

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